An opportunity to share one's faith experiences is only one facet of Annunciation's Faith Sharing Groups which began years ago as an offshoot of the Renew program. The benefits however are many, most especially the chance to talk on a personal, confidential level in a friendly, relaxed atmosphere about our own faith struggles and triumphs, our joys and cares. Strong friendships are forged through prayer support and sharing.
Our groups begin with a brief prayer and the Word of God. Readings from selected topics are followed by questions that encourage open discussion on what God is saying to us personally as we strive to move forward in our spiritual growth. The meetings which run about two hours in length twice monthly conclude with a brief social time over coffee and dessert.
Parishioners who have attended Mission in our Parish have been drawn to join the Faith Sharing Groups as a means of continuing the small faith community experience. Anyone seeking spiritual growth in a small group setting will benefit and is welcome to join.
Annunciation currently has three small faith sharing groups. They meet every other week for approximately two hours from mid-October to May. New members are always welcome to join the current groups. A new group can be started with between 7-14 interested members. Suggested topics and guidelines are available. We invite you to join us. Call the Parish Center for more information.
The current group schedules are:
Monday evenings at 7:00 PM led by Barbara Windnagle.
Tuesday mornings following the 9:00 AM Mass led by Kathy Iwanski.
Thursday mornings following 9:00 AM Mass led by Jeanne Evenick and Sharon Walsh.
If interested in participating, please call the Parish Office and leave your Name and Phone Number and we will return your call.
Stewardship is having the wisdom to understand that everything we have is a gift from God.