Church of the

7580 Clinton Street
Elma, New York 14059


Youth Program

Annunciation parish has many opportunities for the youth to play an active role in parish life! The Department of Family Faith Formation offers instruction to children who attend a public or private (non-parochial) school whose families are enrolled parishioners at The Church of the Annunciation Parish. A twelve-year sequence of formation is offered; all Catholic children of the parish are expected to participate up through 10th grade, with 11th and 12th grade as optional but strongly encouraged. Sacramental preparation is offered and includes lots of opportunities for community service. There's a lot going on for the youth at Annunciation! 

Come and be a part of it! Check out our the Faith Formation page for a detailed schedule of our programs. And, we are always looking for faithful volunteers to share their time and talents. Give Melissa a call in the Formation Office at 716-683-5515 for more information.


Stewardship is having the wisdom to understand that everything we have is a gift from God.

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