ANNOINTING OF THE SICK: This sacrament is administered during the 5:00PM Mass on the first Saturday of the month. Persons who are homebound, in the hospital, or in nursing homes are asked to call the Parish Office for the Sacrament of Anointing.
BAPTISM: Parents who are expecting a child should call the Parish Office to arrange to take part in the Baptism Preparation Program. We ask that the parents be registered as parishioners or if residing out of town that the grandparents be parishioners. Baptisms take place once a month during the 11:00am Mass after completion of the Initial and Liturgy Preparation Sessions.
CONFIRMATION: Confirmation preparation is made by participating in the Annunciation Faith Formation program. Please see the Youth Faith Formation tab for more information on the Confirmation program.
FIRST EUCHARIST and FIRST RECONCILIATION: First Holy Communion and First Reconciliation preparation is made through the parish faith formation office, for students in both public and Catholic schools. Please see the Faith Formation tab for more details.
LETTERS OF RECOMMENDATION: To be a godparent for Baptism or a Confirmation sponsor the Church requires that a letter of recommendation is obtained. This letter can be issued only to members of our parish who are Baptized and Confirmed, registered in the parish for at least three months, and regularly attend Mass and receive the sacraments. Regular use of envelopes (even if empty) indicates attendance at Mass. Married persons must have been married in conformity with the laws of the Church. Out-of-town college students should receive a letter from their campus minister and those serving in the military should receive a letter from their Chaplain.
RECONCILIATION: Confessions are heard each Saturday at 4:00 PM, or by appointment.
RCIA: Adults and children aged seven and over who wish to enter the Church or complete their Sacraments of Initiation are welcome to participate in the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults process. This process is for: those who are unbaptized or who have been baptized in another faith tradition, or those who were baptized in the Catholic Church but did not receive First Eucharist.
ADULT CONFIRMATION: Those adults who have not received First Eucharist and wish to complete the Sacraments of Initiation with the sacrament of Confirmation are invited to join a six week preparation program offered in the Spring. Adult candidates will be confirmed in the Fall of that year, with the youth of Annunciation, by the Bishop or his designee. Those considering this time of formation should contact Pastoral Associate Deb Keenan at [email protected] or the Parish Office at 683-5254.
Stewardship is having the wisdom to understand that everything we have is a gift from God.